Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Godzilla and King Kong

This is probably the biggest art drawing I've done. It stretches almost 5 ft wide and 3 ft high. I used graphite and a bit of charcoal. When I say a bit, I mean a liitttleee amount.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Orlando and Katie Benitez Portrait


Karla's Portrait

Pablo Picasso

My drawing attempt of Mr. Picasso.

Freely wolf


Young Folks

Ink on paper. 18x24

Jazmin's Portrait

reina de mangos

Stay calm after all its only doubt.

 This full length size piece is made up entirely of duct tape.

The girl in the red coat.

I used acrylic paints. Each of these paintings are about 22x26.

Child Play

I made this piece for my sculpture class final. The assignment was to reflect and recreate your early memories of your childhood into a 3d piece. I chose to do a dark concept that would tell the bad and the good of my early life. I used plaster as my holding foundation and wood pieces to hold my masks made of paper mache. As for the other material, its just black tape and some cable chords.